
  小编❥(^_-):WR82011720   ,  82011720




小编❥(^_-):WR82011720   ,  82011720





“I don’t grudge him anything that he’s entitled to have,” replied Dick. “Now I want you to tell Virginia about Kencote in the old days, when my great-grandfather was alive. She wants to hear all about Kencote that she can.”


Aunt Laura was nothing loath, and poured forth a gentle stream of reminiscence until it was time for Dick and Virginia to go.


As they let themselves out of the house and walked down the dark village street, Dick said, “Humphrey ought to be kicked. Fancy sponging on that simple old woman! and getting her to leave the bulk of her money to him, and away from the rest of us; because that’s what it means. I’ll have it out with him as soon as I get home.”


“Oh, my dear!” said Virginia. “Money, money, money! What does it matter to us? We shall have plenty.”


“We shouldn’t have had plenty, or anything like it, if he’d had his way. It isn’t only old Aunt Laura he’s been working on. He’s taken advantage of my being out of favour to get the governor to consider leaving the best part of the property to him. He was actually at it this afternoon. He tried to get a definite promise out of him to leave him Partisham, which will be worth all the rest put together some day.”


“But, Dick dear! you knew all that. It was your father’s own decision. You told me so.”


“Humphrey had no right to take advantage of his threats to work against me. That’s what he’s been doing. It wasn’t like the governor. I can see a good deal more daylight now. I thought I’d only got his obstinacy to fight against. Now I see I’ve had an enemy at court, who’s been playing the sneak all along.”


“I don’t think so,” Virginia said boldly. “Humphrey isn’t bad. He has been very nice to me. He told me he was glad that all this quarrelling was at an end.”


“I dare say he did,” said Dick, unsoftened. “Now he sees that we can’t be kept out of it any longer he’d like to curry favour.”


“Oh, what an uncharitable Dick! That’s not like you, Dick. We’re going to be happy together, aren’t we, my own beloved?” She was walking with her hands clasped over his arm.


“I hope so,” said Dick.

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