
随着ChatGTP的出现,我们距离 AI 论文写作越来越近……

本着想要 AI 帮我写论文的目的,笔者也尝试用 AI 完成科研写作工作。

虽然目前国内无法使用ChatGPT,但是笔者尝试了很多其他 AI 写作的方法。

如果你无法使用 ChatGPT,那么笔者强烈推荐使用 ObsidianText generator 插件Text generator 插件也是基于 OpenAI  GPT-3 模型,可以帮助你实现与 AI 聊天,效果与 ChatGPT 接近。笔者也测试过 Text generator 写 SCI 论文 title、abstract,甚至与国内 AI 写作工具对比,Text generator 的论文写作能力非常棒,详情请看笔者文末推文。

关于 Text generator 的安装和使用方法,笔者这里就不再赘述了。

本期,笔者就详细讲述如何用 Text generator 的 AI 撰写文献综述!

请大家看到本文最后,Text generator的 AI 还真能按照引用、字数等要求写出文献综述。

AI 能帮我们写文献综述吗?

我们先问问 Text generator 的 AI ,能不能帮助我们写文献综述







Text generator的 AI 没有直接回答我们的问题,而是给出了撰写文献综述的方法,这个方法还是值得学习的。

笔者觉得 AI 之所以没有直接回答,是因为问题不够明确。笔者没有明确写作的对象,这让 AI 无法给出具体的答案,貌似也是一种智能。

AI 撰写文献综述

接下来,笔者让 Text generator的 AI 帮我写文献综述。笔者必须要给出明确的研究主题,这里以  电子设备寿命预测方法 研究为例。下图是 AI 给出的 “电子设备寿命预测方法 ”文献综述,由于截图限制,图片没有给出结论部分。

Text generator的 AI 给出的文献综述虽然篇幅很短,但是逻辑清楚层次分明有头有尾,甚至还有引用的研究。如果不是 AI 字数的限制,我认为它一定能够给出长篇文献综述。这个回答还有一个缺点就是:虽然 AI 有引用文献,但是并没有给出文献书目。

AI 撰写带有参考文献的文献综述

再下来,笔者对 Text generator的 AI 提出文献综述的字数和文献的要求,即文献在 300words 内,使用 8 引用文献。

下面是 AI 给出的文献综述,至于 AI 写的文献质量,大家可以自己看后留言评价。


write a literature review relating to Lifetime Prediction of Electronic Equipment in 300 words using 8 citations.


Lifetime prediction of electronic equipment is a critical aspect of product design and testing. Accurate predictions enable manufacturers to ensure that their products are designed and built to meet the needs of customers and to maximize their performance over time. In recent years, advances in technology have enabled researchers to develop sophisticated models for making predictions about the longevity of electronic equipment.This literature review examines recent research on the lifetime prediction of electronic equipment. It begins with a review of existing predictive models, followed by an assessment of the methods used for validating these models. Finally, it discusses recent trends towards data-driven approaches for predicting product lifetimes.

The most widely used approach for predicting product lifetimes is based on probabilistic modeling techniques such as Markov chains and Monte Carlo simulations (Azzopardi et al., 2015; Kim et al., 2017). These methods allow researchers to analyze large datasets and generate reliable estimates by taking into account a wide range of factors that can affect product longevity, such as environmental conditions, component aging, and design parameters (Chen et al., 2019).

In addition to modeling techniques, there are several other methods that can be used to validate predictions made using these models (Garbacz et al., 2016; Jiang et al., 2018). These include experimental testing in laboratory environments and field trials involving real-world use cases (Foufou & Polycarpou, 2019). Furthermore, data mining techniques can be employed to identify patterns in large datasets that may provide additional insights into the reliability of products over time (Kumar & Anandan, 2015; Yamada et al., 2016).

Finally, recent research has focused on developing data-driven approaches for predicting product lifetimes based on machine learning algorithms (Szabó & Péteri, 2018; Yin et al., 2019). These approaches combine traditional predictive modeling techniques with advanced analytics tools and allow researchers to analyze larger amounts of data more quickly than before.

Overall, this literature review has highlighted some of the most recent advances in predictive models for estimating the lifetimes of electronic equipment. The research demonstrates that probabilistic modeling techniques remain a popular choice among researchers due to their ability to take into account a wide range of external factors. Additionally, new trends towards data-driven approaches promise further improvements in accuracy and speed when predicting product lifetimes.



Azzopardi G., Muscat A., Mallia K., Muscat R., Apap D. (2015) ‘Predictive modelling approach for technical systems: A case study’ International Review on Modelling & Simulations 8(2), pp 172–179. 

Chen X., Liu B., He X., Jia Y., Yu B.(2019) ‘Lifetime prediction model based on accelerated life test data’ Applied Mathematical Modelling 73(1), pp 654-666. 

Foufou S., Polycarpou M.(2019) ‘An experimental approach for validation of lifetime predictions’ IEEE Transactions on Reliability 68(1), pp 37–45.

Garbacz C.; Bilski J.; Wojdyla A.; Syroka R.; Szadkowski M.; Szczepanski P.(2016) ‘Validation process applied in lifetime estimation’ Measurement 96(1), pp 121–128.

Jiang T.; Tian L.; Huang Y.; Zhao Y.(2018) ‘Validation strategies for lifetime prediction system’ Quality Engineering 30(2), pp 179–188 

Kumar A.; Anandan S.(2015) ‘Data mining application approaches: A review’ International Journal Of Computer Science Issues 12(4), PP 195–202.

Kim I.-G.; Lee K.-H.; Park H.-S.(2017) ‘Robust fatigue life prediction model considering usage conditions’ International Journal Of Damage Mechanics 26(7), PP 1249–1263.

Szabó G.; Péteri N.(2018) ‘Data mining methods applied in calculation reliability parameters’ Procedia Computer Science 125(1), PP 1101–1109.

Yamada T.; Takeuchi S.; Kawashima T.(2016) ‘Prediction model using support vector machine considering environmental condition’ Quality Engineering 28(3), PP 441–449.

Yin H.-H,. Wu G.-F,. Wang Y.-W,. Li Z.-J,. Lu Y.-X.(2019) ‘Application research based on machine learning algorithm in lifetime prediction’ arXiv preprint arXiv:1907.09103.

AI 给出的回答一如既往的流畅,文章格式也符合论文写作。

但是这些文献都是 2020 年以前的,难道是 AI 没有看过 2020 年以后的文献?对于文献综述,我们要紧跟最新发展,这点也算是 AI 写文献综述的缺点吧!

此外,虽然 AI 给出了引用和书目,但是我们还需要核实参考文献是否存在,每一处引用是否准确。这样一来,AI 写作还是离不开人工,你觉得呢?



  • Text generator 的 AI 可以完成一个简短的文献综述。

  • 我们给出的研究主题越明确, AI 的回答会更准确。

  • 用了这么久的 AI ,笔者觉得要想用好 AI ,你得学会提问、追问

  • AI 的逻辑清晰,条理清楚,可以协助我们整理撰写文献综述的思路,但是不能完全依赖 AI 写的内容,我们还需要核实和修改。

Text generator的 AI 果然没有让人失望,笔者觉得可以用Text generator AI 从事更多的科研写作工作,只是我们还不知道如何更好地使用它去完成科研写作而已。

AI 写论文系列推文

👉🏻厉害!搞科研 1 年不及与 AI 聊天 1 秒钟,chatGPT 写摘要、研究现状通通不在话下
👉🏻ChatGPT 火出圈,你不知道的 N 种访问方法,AI 帮我选期刊靠不靠谱?
👉🏻最强大免费 AI 插件来了,辅助科研、写论文、翻译都能毫无压力
👉🏻AI 帮我写 SCI,一键定制“高大上”论文 title!
👉🏻还可以这样?这样写 SCI 论文 Abstract,效率翻一番!

# 温馨提示









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